Sunday, December 4, 2011

Crime Scene Investigators

We had an amazing test that put everything we learned to the test. We were given eleven clues, and had to solve a crime. My group  and I were assigned to scene two.
We were given a few things to aid us in the crime solving including a micro scope and chemicals to test substances for other things.
Our clues included:
Clue 1: A dead body with a sliced neck. It was a woman who had red hair and a name badge on her chest, and she was found on a car outside of a club.

Clue two: O- Blood found on scene

Clue 3:A finger print with a delta loop.

Clue 4/5: A cup with a liquid, lipstick on the edge and possible poison, but my group and I found no poison.

Clue 6: A white fiber

Clue 7 and 7A: Clue 7 is the victims hand writing saying "Please help me" and Clue 7A is the killers hand writing that says "I needed the money"

Clue 8: Wool fiber taken from the victims sweater

Clue 9: Gold Necklace

Clue 10: Finger print with a single loop

Clue 11: Finger print left on glass

Using our evidence including our fingerprints and handwriting we were able to narrow our victim to Ginger Snap(O- blood type and a bartender) and our killer as Candi Stores(O- blood type, Entertainment Field(adult), Theft Conviction, Drug Conviction).


  1. the imagas compliment the text and allow the reader to follow along, however, i dont think the clues were very well analyzed

  2. Wow I really like the images you added since it helps with the visulization of the whole crime. But you could possibly think more about the clues an how they link the whole thing together.
